Balance sheet is a statement that shows financial position of a business on a particular date.It contains information regarding the assets and liabilities of a company along with shareholder’s equity. I have managed to collect some of the good and fine tuned template to manage B/sheet items. Following are handpicked 5 templates / examples that can be used in your spreadsheet programs (As most of them are supported by excel and others).

5 year comparative template
5 year comparative balance sheet excel

A estimated or projected b/s . Can be useful if you are looking to start up a company or if you are looking to start up a new project.It is quite simple and you have to insert data of your last historical b/sheet.

Projected Balance sheet


Simple and editable : I really liked this clean template. Quite good i would say.user can edit items as per his business.

Clean sample sheet


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Here is another sheet . Remember you have to click on the images given to visit download link. It will automatically download the file on your pc.


Example of Balance sheet printable


If you are in agriculture business this template is worth to look at.

Agriculture financial statement example