Below are the top 5 heart risk assessment calculators all in excel :


1)Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or Asvcd risk is becoming common nowadays. There are various reasons that triggers it. We are providing below  excel sheets where you can enter related data and calculate the risk factor.Your medical history. Blockages if any in heart, or other body parts.Your lifestyle habits such as consumption of alcohol,smoking and if there is any disease like diabetes or high blood pressure.

ascvd risk  excel

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2 ) This another sheet is written by DR Rupert Payne from the Univ. of Edinburgh. You have to read the help tab before inserting any values.There is a example given in which risk is calculated for a 55 year old female diabetic patient for about 10 years with systolic BP 150mmHg , total cholesterol 5mmol/l, HDL 1mmol/l, living in an area with SIMD deprivation score 20.

ascvd risk guidelines excel example

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3) Note: This sheet needs macro enabled.


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Risk cardio excel download
There are multiple sheets in this workbook all of them helps in predicting the risk of strokes and prevention of CHD,factors like age,cholesterol and diabetes are covered while determining the CHD risk,Stroke risk,clinical prediction of CHD in a patient having chest pain. Duke’s treadmill score helps to determine the overall risk category while workout and the risk in acute coronary syndrome using ExECG +TnT plus risk of stroke in AF


4) Find the risk of heart attack

Find what your risk for heart disease

This sheet works on the basis of how old a person’s heart is ? which is further compared with the heart of average person’s of same age.The very first sheet tell us what is this worksheet made for that is for intro along with user’s name,b’date,education and race etc. The other one is where user has to put his data.


5) CHD risk calculator : Simple spreadsheet Macro enabled.

CHD risk