Calculate estimated target for a newly launched product in targeted market as well as non targeted market

Market testing

This is a sample spreadsheet that will help user to calculate the estimated target market share based on relative effort, along with the target market sales forecast as well as non-targeted segment. It can give you an overall market share forecast. It can further be polished with the help of graphs and some what editing.


Base development

product introduction phases
This worksheet is for introducing new product its costs and other activities. Preliminary Pricing Structure along with detailed product description and phases such as planning and project control its development and implementation process. It is very simple planning tool. It is advised to zoom the sheet for proper view. You can do this by pressing ctrl and rollover mouse button.

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Product Introduction Form
Product introduction form
Simple and printable product introduction form. Click on the image to download the file.

Product launch marketing budget calculator
new item costs budget

: This spreadsheet allows user to calculate the expected costs of launching a new item in markets. Quite nicely you can fill in the data such as all the marketing costs that would incur while launching it such as Public Relations,Web Marketing,Advertising,Collateral,Events (Launch, Trade Shows, Other),Direct Marketing Campaigns,Channel Marketing Programs


Tracking costs before introducing it through this simple worksheet.