
Office Relocation Timetable

It can be considered as example sheet to track and manage the dates while moving your office. User can define their major tasks and avoid unnecessary hiccups. We know that there is lots of things to do and you can’t remember every thing as when and what will be the process of shifting. Generally it takes around 4- 6 months to completely move an office,depending on your staff and the type of work that you used to do. Every office…

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SOLVE #DIV/0! Errors

First of all one should know why this error occurs. It is one of the common errors in spreadsheet programs in which user tries to insert formulas with division operations. We know that we can’t divide a number by zero or a cell that contains no value as it would give error. It returnss #DIV/o!. user have to recheck the values and try to find the problem. How to correct error first of all press ctrl+~ to view the formulas…

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4 Sample Proforma invoice template

It is an estimated invoice sent by seller of goods to buyer before the shipment or delivery of goods. This template consist details regarding the type and qty of goods along with other information such as type,code,weight, fragile or not and other information.   1) Very simple proforma budget sample : It consist only important stuff ,more like a pdf template.One could take a print out. 2) This Pro Forma Invoice sheet comes with macros,user can fill in the exporter,shipper…

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) How To Plot Correlation In A Graph?

For those who want to practice correlation in excel here is an excellent spreadsheet with data and other examples :  User can explore various aspects of the correlation coefficient. There are various tabs under which different sheets are available the extreme sheet allows user to learn how to handle the extreme cases of positive and negative correlation. The another sheet i.e patterns sheet  show that the same summary statistics will fit many different bivariate patterns. Correlation sheets shows how the correlation coefficient changes as…

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Printable Employee Weekly Attendance Excel Sheet

Easy to manage spreadsheet for excel users. One can fill in their companies name on the top then necessary information such as address and contact information. One can manage a single employee on a single tab so if you want to manage multiple employees you have to copy this sheet in other tabs. How to do it ? Simple press ctrl+~ sign this will show every formula of the sheet now press ctrl + A and then in another tab…

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Correlation In Excel 2007 / Excel 2010

You need internet connection for this.You have to first load the analysis toolpak. To do this you have got to file tab and choose the options from the left column. Click on Add-in category located on the left side of screen.Now you will be able to see the various Add-ins that are already selected in a drop down list.In the manage box you have to choose analysis Toolpak and then click on go button.   Now the add-in dialog box…

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Weekly Sales Excel Spreadsheet

Besides the question of ” how to increase my sales ?” the other important question that marketer’s and sales people want to know is are they hitting the targets. How sales is going on ? Each of these questions is important, if you don’t track this metric, you cannot possibly improve it over time. As most of sales people would say that sales is a numbers game and these numbers most critical to your business and your job and it can…

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Excel Self Employed Spreadsheet

Downloadable excel sheet format spreadsheets are offered online to help self-employed individuals with a user-friendly means to classify and determine their yearly expenses and incomes. As for people who have irregular income the income and expenses – is the major concept on which they can manage their accounts or do bookkeeping .It is a necessity for every business owner to keep and eye on their spending’s, though many people think that they are self reliant and they can easily manage such…

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Restaurant Excel Spreadsheets Download

1)Tracking Employee Attendance and restaurant schedule management sheet : Loved it There are two sheets one shows profit and loss summary and the other one is related to labor.Weekly opening hours,then labor compliment i.e the payment you pay for per hour to the employee,most of the things are calculated automatically such at the labor costs and total weekly labor schedule, you have to fill in data related to weekly opening hrs in p&l summary sheet. Both of the sheets share data…

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Power Consumption Excel Spreadsheet

This is a sample spreadsheet showing how you can track the power consumption on home appliances. User can even compare and watch the power usage trend analysis chart in the same sheet. There is another sheet given where user can input information such as any change in number of household appliances.

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