Sample ms excel template for staff travelling allowance and reimbursable charges

here’s a sample travel expense worksheet tailored specifically for reimbursable expenses account related to traveling expenses of employees in Excel. You can use this as a template in spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

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Download a travel expense report template. There are many free templates available online, or you can create your own. The template should have columns for the following information:

Employee name
Date of travel
Purpose of travel
Expense type
Description of expense
Amount of expense
Receipt number (optional)
Fill in the expense report template. Be sure to include all of the required information, and attach any receipts for expenses that are over a certain amount.

Calculate the total expenses. Add up the amount of each expense to find the total cost of the trip.

Get approval from your manager. Once you have filled in the expense report and calculated the total expenses, you will need to get it approved by your manager.

Submit the expense report to your accounting department. Once your manager has approved the expense report, you will need to submit it to your accounting department for reimbursement.

Here are some additional tips for accounting for traveling expenses in Excel:

Use a consistent format for your expense reports. This will make it easier to track your expenses and to reconcile them with your bank statements.
Keep all of your receipts in a safe place. This will be important if you are ever audited by the IRS.
Enter your expenses into Excel as soon as possible after you incur them. This will help you to avoid forgetting about any expenses.
Use formulas to automate your expense reports. This will save you time and prevent errors.
Back up your expense reports regularly. This will protect you in case of a computer crash or data loss.
By following these steps, you can easily account for traveling expenses of employees in Excel. This will help you to keep track of your expenses, to get reimbursed for your travel costs, and to comply with tax laws.
Column Description
Employee Name The name of the employee who is traveling.
Date of Travel The start date of the employee’s trip.
Purpose of Travel The reason for the employee’s trip.
Destination The location of the employee’s trip.
Number of Days The number of days that the employee will be traveling.
Airfare The cost of the employee’s airfare.
Lodging The cost of the employee’s lodging.
Food The cost of the employee’s food.
Transportation The cost of the employee’s transportation.
Other Expenses Any other expenses that the employee incurred during their trip.
Total Expenses The total cost of the employee’s trip.
Reimbursement Amount The amount of money that the employee will be reimbursed for their expenses.
Approval Date The date that the employee’s expense report was approved.
This is just a sample spreadsheet, and you may need to add or remove columns depending on the specific needs of your company. For example, you may want to add columns for the employee’s department, manager, or travel authorization number.

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Enter the following information in the spreadsheet:

The purpose of your trip
The dates of your trip
The destination of your trip
The number of days you will be traveling
The estimated cost of each expense category (airfare, lodging, food, transportation, etc.)
Use formulas to calculate the total cost of each expense category. For example, to calculate the total cost of airfare, you would use the following formula:

=SUM(airfare_1, airfare_2, …)
where airfare_1, airfare_2, etc. are the cells that contain the cost of each airfare ticket.

Use formulas to calculate the total cost of the trip. To do this, you would simply add up the total cost of each expense category.

Add any additional expenses that you may incur during your trip. For example, you may need to pay for parking, taxis, or souvenirs.

Update the total cost of the trip to reflect any additional expenses.

Save your spreadsheet.

Here are some additional tips for calculating further traveling expenses in Excel:

Use a consistent format for your spreadsheet. This will make it easier to track your expenses and to reconcile them with your bank statements.
Keep all of your receipts in a safe place. This will be important if you are ever audited by the IRS.
Enter your expenses into Excel as soon as possible after you incur them. This will help you to avoid forgetting about any expenses.
Use formulas to automate your expense calculations. This will save you time and prevent errors.
Back up your spreadsheet regularly while using this as it will protect you in case of a computer crash or data loss.By following these steps, you can easily calculate further traveling expenses in Excel. This will help you to keep track of your expenses, to get reimbursed for your travel costs, and to comply with tax laws.